Saturday, January 24, 2015

I Can Change The World and So Can You!

I can change the world? That sounds like quite a task.It sounds like an impossible task.

Does the world need to change? Most people would say yes. It would be difficult to find someone that doesn't think that the world should change in some manner. So...what's wrong with the world the way it currently is? The topics that quickly come to mind are; war, sickness, poverty, terrorism, pollution, murder etc. The list can go on and on. The remark is often made that "if there is a God, why does He let all these things happen".

Well, there is a God, and HE didn't make these things happen. We did! Yes... that's's us, not Him. Why are there children sick and dying in India and Nigeria? Because you and I aren't doing enough to stop it. Why are there poor and uneducated in the inner cities of the U.S.? Because you and I aren't doing enough to stop it. Yes it's us. We as humanity, have built what surrounds us. It took thousands of years, but it's our creation, we own it.It wasn't a vast human conspiracy planned throughout generations, it was just us doing what we do. Humans being humans. The world condition came to be through billions of small decisions made over centuries. Decisions based in ego, greed, thinking only about ourselves. All  negative earthly conditions have there root in ego. Actions based on ego ultimately harm us and the world around us. Perhaps not in ways that are always easily detected, but ego based decisions cause a chain reaction with lasting negative affects.

Seems like a dim outlook, impossible to change after all this time. How can one person have any affect on all that? How can one person repair the wrongs of the world we built? Recovery and renewal can't be done en mass. It isn't accomplished through politics or military might. Change can be accomplished through each of us starting with ourselves. I can change my life. I can perform a self assessment and identify the negative and the ego within me. I can recognize how my ego based actions have negatively affected others. I have the ability to recognize that I am more that a physical being, I have spirituality as well. I have the ability to awaken to greater reality to who I am and what my purpose in life is. Once that occurs I can change the way I think and act. I can begin to grow and become a better me.

Everyone has the ability to do something. Everyone has the potential of changing themselves and beyond that, changing their small portion of the world. Our actions can affect others in ways we can't imagine. Small things will change us and those around us. By making a conscious effort to be different, to lessen ego we will change the world. What if I were to say good morning to someone instead of saying get out of my way. What if I were to walk away form gossip instead of participating in it. I can bless someone I see with a prayer rather that mock their physical appearance. I can find a worthy cause and participate in furthering that cause. We all have varying degrees of gifts and abilities and if used for the proper purpose they can have a great, everlasting affect.

So what's the bottom line? Do it! Awaken and change yourself. Become more than you ever imagined you could be. Reject ego and act to eliminate it. Be a better you and help others be better to. Find something you believe in and work for it's development. Once you change yourself you've already made an impact, you've already changed part of the world. Moving beyond that the possibilities and endless!

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